Knee Injury

After my experience at H & Z acupuncture, I have become a strong advocate for the alternative use of acupuncture. I highly encourage young people like myself to try acupuncture before knocking the idea, as well as, before considering surgery.

Last September marks a year since a car hit me while I was going into the store. Being that I was only 15 at the time my injuries took away some of the activities I have enjoyed for years, such as Saturday morning bike rides with my mom and occasionally running with my dog. After the car wreck, I discontinued the activities that I have partaken in for years.

I knew something was seriously wrong when I dreaded getting out the bed in the morning due to server pain in my knee. Being that I was a sophomore in high school this put a damper on the beginning of my sophomore year. My knee was sensitive to the weather whenever it was cold outside my entire leg would experience pain. My knee also would catch as I walked up stairs or did excessive movements.

Due to my complaints my mom and I decided to go to a traditional doctor for his opinion. It was my plica. He told me he would remove it surgically. My mom and I did some research learning that the surgery would not be a 100% cure and I would inevitably end up missing school terrified me. Those were the key factors that discouraged us from surgery and lead us to try acupuncture. As time went on I became open to the idea of trying something totally new to me. I have always been afraid of needles. It came as a surprise to both my mother and I that I relinquished my fear once the first needle had been placed in my finger then my knee.

I realized the needle was far less than the pain I experienced from my knee. I took it like a pro and after 3 sessions I feel renewed. Because of my wonderful experience with the doctors at H & Z acupuncture I am completely free of pain.

16 year old, F. December 13, 2013. E02139, H & Z Acupuncture.

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